There is no one path to yoga…

We all come to practice for different reasons & at different times.

There is no one path to wellness that suits everyone, which is why we do not label our classes as ‘beginner/ intermediate/advanced” etc.

We do understand that it can be difficult to know where to begin with the diverse range of teachers and styles of practice that we offer. In order to help you start your yoga journey with us, we have put together the guide below. You will find more detailed descriptions of the class styles and teachers on the style and teacher bio pages.

New to Practice?

If you have never practiced before or if you have had a bit of a break from your mat, we recommend starting with these classes

Looking to Strengthen?

Strength and flexibility are the two most commonly cited reasons for coming to practice. The truth is you can find strength and length in any practice, but we recommend trying the list below if you want a more structured entry to finding where you want to grow.

Looking to Restore?

Relieving stress and tension is another benefit of any yoga class. We have two styles that work particularly well for anyone looking to restore their body recover from injury or just simply take some time to wind down and relax.